F.I.R.S.T. Leader - Thought Leadership


Section 6: First Reflection Pause

Section 8: Second Reflection Pause

Section 10: Final Reflection Pause

  • John Deo

    Morbi nec nisi ante. Quisque lacus ligula, iaculis in elit et, interdum semper quam. Fusce in interdum tortor. Ut sollicitudin lectus dolor eget imperdiet libero pulvinar sit amet

This program is ideal for:

  • As a management development program for high performers being groomed for managerial positions.
  • As a senior leadership development program for veteran leaders seeking to reignite and re-inspired.
  • For new manager seeking to enhance and fine-tune their leadership toolkit.
  • For technical proessionals keen to fine-tune their people leadership skills.

You would have made best use of this module if you ensure you leave with a Personal Development Plan.

This will give you control over your development as well as enhance your coaching skills.

This course has been designed for completion as a pair for the following reasons:

1. It gives you the benefit of on-time online learning along with the socialisation of face to face learning.

2. It enables you to practice your coaching skill : And thus better prepare you to coach your team members.

3. Your learning partner acts as your coach and helps you to ensure that you leave with a well thought through Personal Development Plan.

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